Donations in the USA
Matnat Chaim has tax-exempt status in the USA.
To donate via check
A donor wishing to make a contribution to Matnat Chaim should send a check payable to “PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.” and note in the memo portion of the check or include a separate note with a recommendation that the donation be used for Matnat Chaim #580506889. The donor should provide his/her name and mailing address so that their contribution can be acknowledged. The minimum contribution accepted by PEF is $25.
Please mail your check and recommendation to: PEF, 630 Third Ave, Ste 1501, New York NY 10017
To donate via bank transfer
Israel Discount Bank
511 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017
ABA# 026009768
Account # 03-2693-2
Account name: PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
If you send a wire contribution, please ask your bank to include a memo on the transfer slip that identifies you as the donor. In addition, you MUST advise PEF, by e-mail to of the exact amount that you intend to transfer, your recommendation that the donation be allocated to Matnat Chaim #580506889 and when the transfer was made so that they can identify the transfer when it comes in. If PEF does not have this information from you in writing they may not be able to identify your donation.