Recipient: Leeora bat Orit

Donor: Moriya bat Meira

Date and location: March 26, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Galina bat Malka

Donor: Temima bat Chana

Date and location: March 26, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Anat bat Leah Nili

Donor: Yechezkel Yitzchak ben Rivka Rachel

Date and location: March 25, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Daniel David ben Leah

Donor: Shiran bat Rachel

Date and location: March 23, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Adina Lirona bat Yael Yehudit

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: March 19, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Smadar bat Shifra

Donor: Keren bat Sheara

Date and location: March 18, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yedida Ahuva bat Yaffa

Donor: Chen bat Ami

Date and location: March 18, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Yosef ben Atara

Donor: Ziv Yerushalayim ben Naomi Yehudit

Date and location: March 17, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Meir ben Denise

Donor: Eitan Yitzchak ben Yisca

Date and location: March 16, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Avraham Abert ben Sole

Donor: Rinat bat Hodaya

Date and location: March 16, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Chava bat Tzipora

Donor: Nachshon ben Shoshana

Date and location: March 11, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yosef ben Rachel

Donor: Itay ben Rina

Date and location: March 10, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Sharon Nissim ben Shulamit

Donor: Dina bat Rachel Miriam

Date and location: March 9, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: BatSheva bat Rivka

Donor: Yaron ben Shulamit

Date and location: March 9, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Stanislav ben Svetlana

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: March 9, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Naor ben Sigalit

Donor: David Avraham ben Rachel

Date and location: March 4, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Yair ben Malka

Donor: Idan ben Sara

Date and location: March 4, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Ronit Chaya bat Mazal Tov

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: March 4, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Anonymous

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: March 3, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Ofir ben Tzvia

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: March 2, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Simcha Nechama Yacht bat Leah

Donor: Dorit bat Rachel

Date and location: March 2, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yitzchak Aryeh ben Chaya Tzvia

Donor: Menachem Mendel ben Chaya Tzvia

Date and location: March 2, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: BatSheva bat Masuda

Donor: Ilanit bat Chana

Date and location: February 27, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Eran Eliezer ben Edna

Donor: Alon Yisrael ben Michal

Date and location: February 26, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Vardit bat Clara

Donor: Bluma bat Bruria

Date and location: February 25, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yaakov ben Soad Esther

Donor: Meir ben Miriam

Date and location: February 24, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Idan ben Surina

Donor: Moshe Reuven ben Chaya Sara

Date and location: February 23, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Leeor bat Leah

Donor: Leeor ben Ada

Date and location: February 19, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Itri bat Neora

Donor: Yael bat Tzipora

Date and location: February 19, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Marina Malka bat Zilpa

Donor: Limor Sima Bat Shoshana

Date and location: February 18, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Binyamin Tzvi ben Chana

Donor: Moshe Yosef Eliezer ben Rachel

Date and location: February 18, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Itai Chaim ben Simcha

Donor: Yitzchak Pinchas ben Shulamit Chaya

Date and location: February 17, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Mordechai ben Esther

Donor: Elazar Shneur ben Batya Chana

Date and location: February 17, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Shimon ben Frumette Ziesel

Donor: Efraim ben Frumette Ziesel

Date and location: February 16, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Netta bat Mazal

Donor: Nechama bat Esther

Date and location: February 11, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Sasson ben Mazal

Donor: Hadari bat Ruth

Date and location: February 11, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Yehudit bat Surie

Donor: Salina bat Shoshana

Date and location: February 10, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Batya Sara bat Penina

Donor: Natan Yedidya ben Penina

Date and location: February 9, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Shachar

Donor: Avraham Yitzchak ben Bracha

Date and location: February 6, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Michael ben Tanya

Donor: Leeor ben Noa

Date and location: February 5, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Tamara bat Shifra

Donor: Baruch ben Igort

Date and location: February 5, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Anette bat Rachel

Donor: Eliya ben Anette

Date and location: February 3, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Yaakov ben Chana

Donor: Meira bat Nurit

Date and location: February 2, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Paula

Donor: Nira bat Ora

Date and location: January 28, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Aliza bat Tamar

Donor: Avishai ben Tzvia

Date and location: January 28, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Sara

Donor: Assaf Tzvi ben Bracha

Date and location: January 28, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yosef ben Rivka

Donor: Aviad ben Rivka Shulamit

Date and location: January 27, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Eliezer ben Rachel

Donor: Chagai ben Pnina

Date and location: January 19, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Mordechai ben Ruth Rachel

Donor: Moshe Chaim ben Sagit

Date and location: January 19, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Raizel Henna bat Bina

Donor: Efrat bat Bruria

Date and location: January 14, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Refael Chai ben Rivka

Donor: Yaniv Shimon ben Rivka

Date and location: January 13, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Rachel bat Leah

Donor: Roee Pinchas ben Rina

Date and location: January 12, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yariv ben Simcha

Donor: Yaakov ben Miriam

Date and location: January 12, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Oded ben Nira

Donor: Eran ben Pircha

Date and location: January 12, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Shimon ben Masuda

Donor: Orit Ella bat Ronit

Date and location: January 9, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Yael Bracha bat Shulamit

Donor: Shimon Refael ben Chana

Date and location: January 8, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Aknau ben Assva

Donor: Gavriel Menachem ben Shulamit

Date and location: January 8, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yaniv ben Parvine

Donor: Meir Yisrael ben Rina

Date and location: January 7, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Oreen bat Nechama Chana

Donor: Gazit bat Chaya Ilana

Date and location: January 7, 2025; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Malka Frieda bat Kayla Reeva

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: January 6, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem and Beilinson Hospitals

Recipient: Tanya bat Clara Chaya

Donor: Shoshana Rina Bat Malka Frieda

Date and location: January 6, 2025; Hadassa Ein Karem and Beilinson Hospitals

Recipient: Sylvia bat Simmy

Donor: Yehonatan ben Yaffa

Date and location: January 5, 2025; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Shoshana bat Esther

Donor: Yoav Elisha ben Yael

Date and location: January 1, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Mordechai Chaim ben Chana Devora

Donor: Meital bat Shoshana

Date and location: January 1, 2025; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Roee Tzvi ben Michal

Donor: David Yinon ben Sara

Date and location: December 31, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Sharon bat Geula

Donor: Dina Nili bat Margalit Esther

Date and location: December 30, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Penina Pircha

Donor: Rachamim ben Yaffa

Date and location: December 29, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Bluma Deena Gittel

Donor: Shifra bat Tal Rachel

Date and location: December 25, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Oren ben Ruth

Donor: Yedidia ben Detrice

Date and location: December 25, 2024; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Lilach bat Aliza

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: December 23, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Nachman ben Tamar

Donor: Mordechai Yosef ben Rachel

Date and location: December 22, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: George ben Eileen

Donor: Ran Asher ben Miri Bracha

Date and location: December 18, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Adna bat Yatuva

Donor: Inbal bat Talia

Date and location: December 18, 2024; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Eliyahu ben Tova

Donor: Asher ben Ruth Tova

Date and location: December 17, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Sigalit bat Shoshana

Donor: Amir ben Shmuela

Date and location: December 17, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Dalia bat Pnina

Donor: Noa bat Rachel Leah

Date and location: December 16, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Yitzchak ben Rivka

Donor: Elyashiv Nachum ben Bruria

Date and location: December 11, 2024; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: David ben Tikva

Donor: Ariel ben Rachel

Date and location: December 10, 2024; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: David ben Clara

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: December 10, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Tamar Ita bat Rachel

Donor: David Tzvi ben Tzipora Rivka

Date and location: December 9, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Moshe ben Marcel

Donor: Elad ben Dalit

Date and location: December 9, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Ofer ben Miriam

Donor: Assaf Chaim ben Ofra

Date and location: December 8, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Donny ben Miriam

Donor: Victoria bat Luba

Date and location: December 8, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Anonymous

Donor: Amatzia ben Adina

Date and location: December 4, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Yoram ben Rose

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: December 3, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Malka bat Esther

Donor: Shachar ben Batya

Date and location: December 3, 2024; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Shlomo ben Sara

Donor: Yehudit bat Grazia

Date and location: December 3, 2024; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Yoav ben Rina

Donor: Tzvi Bentzion ben Meirav

Date and location: December 1, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Avraham ben Veronique

Donor: Aryeh Yehuda ben Naama Tanya

Date and location: November 26, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Dolav ben Zahava

Donor: Yaakov ben Miriam

Date and location: November 25, 2024; Beilinson Hospitals

Recipient: Noam Yaakov ben Sara

Donor: Emuna Tzipora bat Yaffa

Date and location: November 25, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Noa bat Dalit Rivka

Donor: Binyamin Shlomo ben Leah

Date and location: November 24, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Avishai ben Yehudit

Donor: Elisha Shlomo ben Ayala

Date and location: November 19, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Adi bat Gilda Chava

Donor: Aviad Zecharia ben Ayelet Rivka

Date and location: November 19, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Amin ben Sidar

Donor: Uriel ben Yoela

Date and location: November 18, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Ilan ben Chaya

Donor: Zohar Rivka bat Chana Leah

Date and location: November 17, 2024; Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital

Recipient: Tal ben Leah

Donor: Anonymous

Date and location: November 13, 2024; Ichilov Hospital

Recipient: Shani bat Zahava

Donor: Leah Miriam Simcha bat Esther

Date and location: November 13, 2024; Beilinson Hospital

Recipient: Moran bat Yehudit

Donor: Yirat bat Carmela

Date and location: November 12, 2024; Sheba Hospital (Tel HaShomer)

Recipient: Elia ben Rivka

Donor: Chagit Bracha bat Miriam

Date and location: November 12, 2024; Ichilov Hospital