Happy New Year from Rachel Heber

ראיון עם רחל הבר
A new year – renewal. We are at the end of a twelve-month journey. 52 weeks, 365 days. Imagine a train – a train filled with kidneys. Cars loaded with endless, unimaginable giving, the gift of life!!
Every week, noble-spirited, generous-hearted, loving and goal-oriented people joined the journey, where the most important principle is, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Donating a kidney, with no thought of personal gain, simply out of the joy of giving and unconditional love.
Even before they meet, some donors send messages to their recipients, warm words that dispel fears, sayings whose common denominator is: “The kidney is yours…You received it as a complete gift.”
Over two hundred men and women donated a kidney since last Rosh Hashana, thus joining the donors from previous years. This is how a family is created: a gift of life, a loving and connected family of over 1,500 kidney donors… and of course their spouses, parents, children and other family members who become partners in this exciting event; after all, it’s a family affair!
Unfortunately, the list of those waiting for a transplant is still longer than the list of those waiting to donate.
Every day we receive heart-wrenching cases and difficult stories about the unimaginable struggles of kidney and dialysis patients. My late husband z”l established an organization that provides light and hope, and with your help and support we want to continue to provide solutions and to provide life for all those who need it.
May we all have a good and sweet new year, with good health and an abundance of giving!

L’shana Tova Tikatevu!
In appreciation,
R. Haber