Lulav, Etrog and Matnat Chaim

A double mitzvah: Matnat Chaim and Netinat Lulav

We’re excited to tell you about a new project – cooperation with “Netinat Lulav”, a non-profit organization which was established with the goal of pairing the Sukkot mitzvah of lulav and etrog (the “four spe-cies”) with the mitzvah of tzedakah – charity. When you order your lulav and etrog from Netinat Lulav, you pick the set of your choice and the profits are donated to Matnat Chaim!

The sets are under the halachic supervision of HaRav Eliezer Simcha Weiss, Av Beit Din of Kefar Haroeh.

Here’s how it works: You go to the website of Netinat Lulav, pick the set of your choice, pick Matnat Chaim as the recipient (the most important step!), and choose your pick-up location from the list of hundreds of spots. Pay with your credit card on the secure payment site – and that’s it! You’re all done and can concentrate on the rest of your holiday preparations.

Matnat Chaim will receive 100% of the profits for every sale where the buyer selects us as the beneficiary so your choice is very important to us – and very profitable!

The website is open for orders:  Don’t forget to pick Matnat Chaim from the list of organizations!

For more information on Netinat Lulav, see their English website page.